June 13, 2004
Graduates at the very nice picnic given by the Mechanical & Environmental Engineering Department on Friday, June 11, 2004.
ME / Env. Engin. picnic.
Oisin Heneghan and his family, who travelled all the way from Galway, Ireland, to attend the graduation. His mother (far right) grew up in San Francisco and, like Dad, studied at what they claim to be that “superior” college across the Bay, our archrival UC Berkeley.
Saturday, June 12, 2004
Cousin Kaitlyn enjoys the stairs—while Grandpa’s video camera on the right records the entire party.
The Nakamuras: Kaitie, Karl (Dad’s cousin), Robbie and Beth.
The food table. Aunty Carol digs into the sashimi while Robin (Dad’s neighbor and Kalani High School schoolmate in Hawaii) fills his plate.
Aunty Irene, Grandpa’s sister and Karl’s mother, who was visiting from Hawaii, talking with Aunty Mary.
With Mom’s co-workers David and Sheila.
Aunty Irene and me with the sleeping Nakamuras, Robbie and Beth, worn out from early morning swim-team practice.
Aunty Irene and Kaity.
Friends and my housemates at “Scarlet Fire,” one of several “[Grateful] Dead houses” in Palo Alto, all named after Grateful Dead songs.