An even more magnified enlargement of the same crowd-scene photograph above — you can see my blue hard hat to the right and below center. It’s a good thing my Dad has a new Fuji S7000 digital camera with a 12-megapixel output, which recorded enough detail to pick out my hard hat.
I was sitting with the undergraduates and Dad was trying to spot me among the postgraduates seated in a group to the right. As a result he has many comparatively useless telephoto pictures of the postgraduate group.
He gave his old Fuji 6900 (that he bought used in Kyoto in 2002) to me. (See Sakamoto > Dad visits me in Japan.)
The instruction book and the camera readouts are all in Japanese so it should be easier for me to use the 6900 than it would be for Dad to continually keep up his Katakana (the phonetic Japanese alphabet for foreign words).
![The crowd](pic/msce/36.JPEG)
The sea of proud parents, relatives and friends in the stands.