JUNE 13, 2003


Friday dinner

Grandpa, Ken (for more about Ken go to Sakamoto > Kashiwahara), Aunty Carol, Grandma and my reflection in the mirror. Friday evening, the day before the party, we met Ken and Lupita, and Karl, Kathy and their kids at the Hong Kong Flower Lounge in Millbrae for dinner.

Friday dinner

Lupita, Jamie, Kathy and Kaitlyn. Unfortunately I had to rush off to attend my Phi Beta Kappa induction before I could enjoy the beef bitter melon, one of my favorite dishes.

At Phi Beta Kappa induction

After receiving my certificate at the Phi Beta Kappa Induction ceremony.


JUNE 14, 2003


Anniversary cake

Grandma and Grandpa’s 61st anniversary cake at my graduation party on June 14, the day before the graduation ceremony, and also the day I received the Robert M. Golden Medal for my senior thesis.

I had to leave my party for a few hours in the afternoon to pick up my award at another ceremony at Stanford. Including graduation the next day, I traveled down to Stanford three days in a row.

An entry about receiving the Robert M. Golden Medal for Excellence in the Humanities and Creative Arts:

June 18, 2003

… The Firestone award recognizes students undertaking honors projects in the social, physical and natural sciences and engineering nominated by their academic programs or departments. The Golden award similarly distinguishes students completing honors projects in the humanities or creative projects in the fine arts. The medalists each received an engraved bronze medal, citation and check at an awards ceremony held Saturday in Kresge Auditorium.

Naomi, San Francisco; urban studies; urban studies honors; “Airspace”; Frederic Stout, urban studies.
Here’s a link to Stanford’s psych lab with an entry about me:

Fall 2001, Naomi —

Architecture and Linguistics. None of us can wait to read this woman’s senior thesis. It seems we are sending her off to Japan in the Spring of 2002 just so that she can bring back some more stories and crazy connections. Naomi also wins the coveted “most middle names” lab award.

Cutting the cake

Aunty Nadine cuts the cake while Aunty Mary serves and Kaitlyn and Beth wait anxiously. In the background, Mom talks to Dana, with Bob Wong and Mrs. Ong on the couches.


Aunty Mary

With Aunty Mary. Many of the photos on these pages are by Dana Trout, Dad’s good friend from his Electrical Engineering days at Cal Berkeley — which means they’ve known each other for 41 years, nearly twice as long as I’ve been alive! Thank you, “Uncle” Dana and “Aunty” Sue for helping me record the memories of these two big days.


Robin, Tom

Robin Leong (our neighbor in Hawaii, only two back yards away, but has lived in the Bay Area longer than Dad), Tom Casacky (Dad’s traveling, eating, wine-drinking, Macintosh computer, hi-fi, jazz-music, etc. buddy; hopefully sometime soon they’ll be collaborating on a book with Tom’s writing and Dad’s photography), Grandma and Grandpa enjoying the cake.


Aunty Kathy and Kaitlyn

Aunty Kathy and cousin Kaitlyn.


Kathy, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunty Carol

Aunty Kathy, Grandma, Grandpa and Aunty Carol.


Emma Wong & Edwina Ong

Emma Wong (Bob’s wife and Mrs. Ong’s sister) and Edwina Ong.


Mrs. Ong

Mrs. Ong (who has invited us for Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and a summer picnic ever since I was born!) and Aunty Carol.


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