Las Vegas, September 18 – 22, 2003


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Breakfast buffet

The following morning’s breakfast buffet almost made up for the disappointing game. Jim, Eric, Paul and Sandra Quezada (Eric’s friend).

Breakfast buffet

Alan, Carol and Stan.

Breakfast buffet

Jim, Nancy, Earl and Carol.

Breakfast buffet

Gordon and Alla Chibana with Carol.

Breakfast buffet

Allen and Patrick.

Gathering for reunion

Nancy, Earl, Myron and Cheryl gather to carpool to the reunion dinner Saturday night.

Gathering for reunion

Jim, Alfreida Achong, George and Stan before leaving for the reunion dinner.

Group portrait

Eric, William and Robert Kong, me and Allen at the reunion dinner.

  Group portrait

Group portrait: me, James “Longy” Morimoto, Alan, Willie Davis, Carol, Patrick, Alfreida.

Group portrait

Beverly Yamasaki Hamada, Allen Shinsato and Amy Murata.

Reunion dinner

The reunion dinner was great fun, with a huge plate of barbequed ribs, ample opportunities to talk with our fellow graduates and catch up with what we’ve been doing for the last 41 years, to meet the spouses (here Jim is having us introduce our spouses; Carol is introducing George), and enjoy some very fun games (thanks to Beverly Hamada).

Joanne Keeley

One fun game was a jun-ken-po (paper-scissors-stone) game in which the winner gets to put a sticker on the loser’s face in an effort to get rid of 8 stickers. Several spouses who hadn’t lived in Hawaii didn’t know how to play jun-ken-po and had to quickly learn what beat what.

Judging by the number of stickers on her face, Joseph Talite’s wife Joanne Keeley obviously didn’t win this game — can’t blame her, she’s one of the spouses who had to learn the game for the first time — but she’s a great sport who enjoyed playing it as much as the rest of us.

Sticker game

Winners of a “treasure hunt” game were Jim, Sandra and Eric. If you look closely you can see Eric’s red lipstick — looks pretty good on him, no?

Stan wins

Stan won another jun-ken-po lei game. Those are quarters around his neck — a “grub-stake” for the slot machines (although craps is his game) or a month’s worth of parking meter food.